is google web-stories still relevant to bloggers

is google webstories still relevant to bloggers?

Yes, Google Web-Stories can still be relevant to bloggers as it provides a unique and visually appealing way to present content to readers. Web Stories are short-form, interactive and visual stories that can be accessed through Google Search or the Google Discover feed on mobile devices. They are specifically designed for mobile users and are highly immersive and engaging, with features such as swipeable carousels, animation, and videos.

Google Discover is a growing platform: Google Discover is a personalized news feed that shows content based on a user’s search history and interests. According to Google, over 800 million users now use Discover every month. This provides a significant opportunity for bloggers to reach new audiences with their Web Stories.

Web Stories are highly engaging: Web Stories are designed to be visually appealing and engaging, with features like swipeable carousels, animations, and videos. According to a study by Google, Web Stories have an engagement rate of over 90%, indicating that readers are highly engaged with this format.

Web Stories can improve SEO: Google has announced that Web Stories will be appearing in the search results pages, providing another opportunity for bloggers to rank for their content. Additionally, as Web Stories are still a relatively new format, there is less competition for ranking on the SERPs.

Web Stories can reduce bounce rates: Web Stories can help keep readers on the page longer, reducing bounce rates and increasing page views. This can improve a blog’s overall engagement and help to build a loyal readership.

Web Stories can be easily shared: Web Stories can be shared on social media and other platforms, providing a way to reach new audiences outside of Google Discover. This can also help to build backlinks to the blog, which can further improve SEO.

For bloggers, Web Stories provide a new format for sharing their content and reaching new audiences. With Web Stories, bloggers can:

  1. Increase engagement: Web Stories are highly engaging and can keep readers on the page longer, reducing bounce rates and increasing page views.
  2. Reach new audiences: Web Stories appear in the Google Discover feed, which means they can be seen by users who may not have found the blog otherwise.
  3. Create visually appealing content: Web Stories offer a unique way to present content, with a focus on visuals and interactive elements. This can make content more appealing and easier to digest for readers.
  4. Boost SEO: Web Stories are a relatively new format, which means there is less competition for ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, Google has announced that it will be adding Web Stories to the search results pages, providing another opportunity for bloggers to rank.

Google Web Stories can be a valuable tool for bloggers to share their content and reach new audiences. With over 800 million users on Google Discover, high engagement rates, and the potential to improve SEO and reduce bounce rates, Web Stories should definitely be considered as part of a blogger’s content strategy.

Overall, Google Web Stories can be a valuable addition to a blogger’s content strategy, offering a new and engaging way to present content to readers and potentially reach new audiences.

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